Career Plan for Students

It is the area that provides support to the student population, for which it proposes comprehensive social promotion programs that reduce the risks of university desertion due to economic, social and family factors.

It involves all the students of the Polytechnic Faculty in order to anticipate situations that generate inconveniences in the development of the academic process

The Career Plan program of the UNE Polytechnic Faculty has been developed since 2014 with the following objectives:

  • Establish a tutorial system for students of the different careers of the Polytechnic Faculty.
  • Reduce the percentage of dropouts and failures in the Polytechnic Faculty.
  • Raise the quality of higher education at the Polytechnic Faculty through monitoring by Tutors.
Duties of Tutors.

foto1 The functions of the Tutor Teacher, Tutor Student and Tutor Graduate consist of carrying out a global follow-up of the learning processes of the students to detect the difficulties and special needs, in order to articulate the appropriate educational responses and collect, where appropriate, the timely advice and support within the tutoring model as an educational quality management response.